The Bay School needed a strategic technology partner to help facilitate their operations.
Varsity helped plan and implement both technology infrastructure and education technology for the school, including its 1-to-1 laptop program.
Varsity continues to support The Bay School through managed IT services and ongoing consulting.
The Bay School is an independent high school in San Francisco. Computing technology is an integral part of the academic experience for the students who attend The Bay School. The school issues a laptop to every student and teacher, and technology is integrated into the curriculum to enhance the learning experience.
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Varsity has been The Bay School’s technology partner since the school was founded in 2004. Varsity helped to plan and build technology infrastructure for the previous and current campuses and has advised the school regarding education technology and its laptop program.
Schools often have to meet multiple technology needs at the same time, and The Bay School is no different. Varsity created technology solutions that helped The Bay School reach its educational goals and prepare for unpredicted challenges. We identified The Bay School’s most important needs and developed a budget-conscious plan that would adapt to the school’s growth. Over the years, our working relationship has grown. Today Varsity provides ongoing support and maintenance for The Bay School in an environment that’s constantly changing.