Sustainable Office Encourages Employee Happiness and Satisfaction

We continue our interview with CEO Patrick Ciccarelli about Varsity’s recent move to a new building, and the efforts involved in creating a sustainable office environment.

1. From a business owner’s perspective, what are the major benefits of a “green office”?

We didn’t create an office as much as a collaborative space where people can feel at home; making it sustainable is really an extension of who we are as individuals and also what we represent as a company. Our people spend a lot of time here so we want the space to be warm, energizing, and inspiring. Employee satisfaction is a really big part of going green. We want everyone to be happy.

2. Is Fox Plaza a “green building”?

Although our building isn’t LEED certified, they have done all the necessary things to reduce energy. They didn’t need to be educated on Title 24. They knew the law and knew what met the state’s standards. Specific features include computer-controlled elevators, which allows for maximized efficiency and less energy, use of reclaimed water, fluorescent lighting, and some green vendors for the building.

Leaf pic3. Are there ‘green’ efforts still in progress? Can we expect to see more changes over time?

We are always looking to improve our sustainability. As we grow and continue to introduce new pieces to the space, both for functionality and aesthetics, it will remain our priority to source furniture that meets FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and LEED requirements, meaning that it was sustainably sourced and manufactured. We are planning to become an EPA Green Power Partner, which is an initiative that encourages organizations to lower their energy consumption through the purchase of green power. Also, I think communicating what we’ve done and inspiring others to do more would be a great accomplishment. We didn’t spend much more than anyone else on a similar project. We just chose to use our budget differently.

Read Part 1 of our Sustainability Interview with Patrick Ciccarelli for more information.
