In today’s fast-paced world, it is becoming increasingly important for education institutions to up their game by leveraging the latest technology available. One such technology is SMS or short message service. At OpenAI, we have been working closely with educational institutions and non-profit organizations to integrate SMS into their educational programs. In this blog, we will explore the transformative impact of SMS services in education and why it remains a fantastic game-changer.
Efficient Communication:
Efficient communication is critical in the educational sector, as it can directly translate to better learning outcomes. SMS is a secure, cost-effective, and efficient way to communicate with students and parents. SMS is ideal for reminders, announcements, exam schedules, tuition fee announcements, and emergency alerts. This cuts off a lot of manual work that would have been labor intensive. School management doesn’t have to worry about communication bottlenecks arising from emails that could become unattended to.
Increases Student Engagement:
SMS is a great way to improve student engagement, a critical component in the learning process. It is a known fact that SMS messages are more likely to be read than emails. In fact, studies show that 90% of SMS messages are opened and read within 3 minutes of receipt. SMS can be used to provide personalized feedback on assessment, encourage students to take quizzes, and participate in online discussions. This way of interaction makes students feel valued and appreciated hence increasing their motivation to learn and participate in discussions on online platforms.
Integrating SMS into educational programs is cost-effective compared to other modes of communication, such as email marketing or print media. The cost of sending bulk SMS is low, especially in comparison to the cost of printing and mailing materials. The sms delivery is made shortly to the students and parents, and this can translate to better financial outcomes and transparency in the educational institution’s finance.
Increased Attendance:
SMS can be used to encourage students to show up in class. Institutions can send students reminders about assignments due dates, upcoming quizzes, or examination schedules. These reminders help ensure students don’t miss critical class sessions, hence improving their performance in class. In cases of online or virtual sessions, SMS reminders help students by saving them time and energy in long attendance sessions. It helps increase their alertness, focus, and hence improve the learning outcomes.
Strengthen Parent-School Relationships:
SMS can also improve communication between school management and parents. Messages can be sent to inform parents about their children’s academic progress, attendance, or significant activities in school. Such information keeps parents informed, and they can take action and support their child in achieving their educational goals.
SMS is a game-changer in the educational sector. It has proved to be a cost-effective, efficient, and reliable way to communicate with students, parents, and staff members in educational institutions. It has transformed the way schools approach student engagement and communication, helping to improve learning outcomes and overall performance. In the end, the more efficient communication is in educational institutions, the higher the number of success stories recorded daily. At OpenAI, we’re committed to helping educational institutions and non-profit organizations leverage our SMS solutions to achieve their educational objectives.